Wake the Bride
Facing These Last Days with Your Eyes Wide Open
By Jeff Kinley
Jeff Kinley wrote this innovative guide to the book of Revelation for the same reason the apostle John wrote the original—to arouse a sleeping church to prepare for Christ’s return. Jesus said, “Wake up and strengthen the things that remain.” The apostle Paul shared the same concern. “Wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Many people are unaware of the signs of the times. Many others seem consumed by end-times hype. Kinley shows that our primary concern should not be the timing of Christ’s return but rather the spirit and character He desires in His bride. You’ll find enlightening descriptions of Jesus and His coming, the church and its mission, heaven and judgment, Satan and the antichrist, and other themes of Revelation. Bolster your confidence and conviction with this up-to-date presentation of Christ’s clear message to the church.
About Jeff Kinley
Jeff Kinley (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) empowers people with vintage truth. Jeff is the author of over 20 books, including As It Was in the Days of Noah and Wake the Bride, and he speaks all over the country. He and his wife live in Arkansas and have three grown sons. See jeffkinley.com for more information about his ministry.